Design Lead | CoMotion 2023 Branding Team
CoMotion is a SCAD Motion Media student-led conference that started in 2013. Every year, MOMELove organizes the event and invites industry professionals to provide feedback on student work. 
"As a design lead, I use the funnel method to guide the team. My goal is to provide as many options as possible in the initial phase to clarify the tone from the creative direction that works across the project. Once we reach a consensus, it is easier for the team to apply this language to all the deliverables."
12 weeks of production | 42 styleframes | 9 Instagram countdown animations | Instagram post templates | panelist animations | 8 designers | 5 time zones
RED DOTS Brands and Communication Award '23
APPLIED ARTS 2023 Motion
GOOD MOVES March 2023
I.  Final Styleframes (Partial)
Aanvik Singh (also as Creative Director), Jessica Liou, Yining Li, Tiffany Tedy, Alexis Wang, Evian Liao, Peter Wang, Antara Ghosh, and Tiffany Lo (me)
Designed by Jessica
Designed by Jessica
Designed by Yining
Designed by Yining
Designed by Yining
Designed by Yining
Designed by Evian
Designed by Evian
Designed by Peter
Designed by Peter
Designed by Peter
Designed by Peter
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Tiff Lo
Designed by Antara
Designed by Antara
Designed by Antara
Designed by Antara
Designed by Evian
Designed by Evian
Designed by Evian
Designed by Evian
Designed by Evian
Designed by Evian
Designed by Evian
Designed by Evian
II. Social Media Deliverables
It is a tradition to create countdown Instagram posts on the SCADCOMOTION account to hype up the event. The direction is to ensure each individual post tells its own story, but when merged together, they create a cohesive big picture.
Our team pitched several ideas and finally landed on the one I made.
Here is the final design and animation created by our team:
DESIGN Tiffany Lo
ANIMATON Me, Peter, Yining, Antara
Grid 09
Grid 09
Grid 08
Grid 08
Grid 07
Grid 07
Grid 06
Grid 06
Grid 05
Grid 05
Grid 04
Grid 04
Grid 03
Grid 03
Grid 02
Grid 02
Grid 01
Grid 01
III. Panelist Backdrop Design
We ensured that the most important information was legible by testing various layouts. These tests considered different name lengths, varying numbers of panelists, and the sizes of the logo and header. Below is the final design and how it appeared at the venue.
DESIGNER Jessica Liou & Tiffany Tedy
Designed by Jessica, Layout adjustment by Me and CD
Designed by Jessica, Layout adjustment by Me and CD
Designed by Jessica, Layout adjustment by Me and CD
Designed by Jessica, Layout adjustment by Me and CD
Designed by Jessica, Layout adjustment by Me and CD
Designed by Jessica, Layout adjustment by Me and CD
Event backdrop @SCAD Museum
Event backdrop @SCAD Museum
Event backdrop @SCAD Museum
Event backdrop @SCAD Museum
Event backdrop @SCAD Museum, designed by Tiffany Tedy
Event backdrop @SCAD Museum, designed by Tiffany Tedy
IV. Credit
Creative Director
Art Director
Lead Animator
Lead 3D Animator
Lead Designer
Lead Graphic Designer
Graphic Designers
Lead Experiential
Experiential Artists
Lead Documentation
Website Designer
Sound Designer

Aanvik Singh
Marly Koven
Rachel Golla, Alexis Dow
Desmond Du
Harshitha Suresh, Kyle Switzer, Isabelle K Winarto, Kaleb Sweeney, Cathy Lin, Meg Aki, Erica Kim, J.C. Petrofsky
Stephen Mok
Tiffany Lo (me)
Antara Ghosh, Jessica Liou, Alexis Wang, Tiffany Tedy, Peter Wang, Xinxun Liao, Yining Li
Josie Glassman
Punasa (Bee) Sihsobhon, Meghna Shourie, Nicole Lin, Claire Lin, Sophia D’Alleva, Stephanie Sandoval
Samantha Woods
Juan Pablo Silhy, Alyssa Mackersie, Meghan Romance
Libby Nett
Caitlin Crooker, Savitri Trivedi
Amadeus Cameron, Isabelle Duffner
Miguel Concha

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